Tuesday, February 2, 2010

一月。买菜的地方: Where does our food come from?

Unfortunately I have not been taking pictures of the food that I eat here (weird huh..) and do not have enough photos to dedicate an entry to the food here (sorry kris!) BUT! I do have a lot of photos of the places I buy my food at..so, here's part I of my food segment :)

First off, say hello to China's 最好的朋友 (best friend) When Min and I went grocery shopping for the first time at Walmart, one of the items on our list of things to buy was oil. Okay, now finding the aisle with oil (it was an entire aisle of oil) was not difficult, but finding a normal size was. Chinese markets do not sell oil in small quantities-- you either buy a liter if you're trying to 保持健康 (maintain your health) or you get the gallon. In this picture they have small bottles, but we couldn't find any the first time we went!

In addition to the people's love for oil, Chinese people also love their snacks. This is the "first food mall" where you can find all kinds of goodies to eat. My friends and I often go here for (noodles) and 小笼包 (xiao long bao- Shanghai dumplings). I've also gotten Odeng (fishcakes) here a few times with Min-- they call it the "Japanese snack" You can also find a lot of imported desserts here, such as: Beard Papa's cream puffs, Mochicream, American candies, etc. We haven't had a problem finding something to eat here and I doubt we will ever have any trouble!!

On a healthier note, this is where Min and I buy our vegetables after we go to the gym. It's a huge vegetable/meat/fruit market right below our gym, which works out pretty well. You buy your fruits and vegetables here by the "" (jin- which is equivalent to 500g) The vegetables we buy here seem relatively clean and we have not had any problems yet, but we still try to be as careful as possible because you never know where they came from!

This is the fruit man that is now one of our Shanghai friends-- friend meaning that he remembers us every time we go and gives us free samples of different fruits. He always tries to get us to try the strawberries, but............he doesn't look like he has very clean hands. The first time he offered us strawberries he told us they were clean, but we told him we didn't need to try any..so he took a few outside and washed them with water and came back. I have no idea what kind of water he used, or where he washed them..so when he wasn't looking we put the strawberries back in the basket! Fruit in China are much cheaper than they are in the U.S. and they are equally as tasty! For example, the other day I bought 5 pears for about $2 and the apples we buy usually cost us around $5 max.

So, in China we get to eat 各种各样的菜 (all kinds of food) I know there's the stereotype of Chinese being rather unsanitary, but it's really a lot better than many people think. There definitely are places that you should avoid, but most of the time it's only because our bodies are not as accustomed to the kinds of food Chinese people eat. Umma, 别担心(don't worry) I don't eat street food ALL the time ;) hehe.

I guess they got tired of eating duck? :)

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