Friday, January 22, 2010

一月。复旦大学- Fudan University

Fudan University!
This is the building we have daily Chinese classes in~ it’s about a 15 minute walk from our apartments. Every morning on our walk to school we see students buying 煎饼 (jianbing)- it’s a kind of breakfast wrap that consists with fried eggs, onion, cilantro, spices. I don’t have any pictures of it yet, but I will post a few once I buy one here! I haven’t tried Shanghai’s 煎饼 yet, but I hear the ones in Beijing are better! I’ll have to see how the ones here compare to the delicious ones I had in Beijing :)

So, my class schedule here is a little bit different from the schedule I had in Beijing. In Beijing, I had Chinese class in the morning and then Area Studies classes in the afternoon, but’s JUST..Chinese! I have Chinese in the morning & Chinese in the afternoon--pretty much 24/7. This is what my week looks like:

So far the morning classes have been pretty simple~~ during the first two periods, we take our daily quizzes, go over the chapter reading, and then learn grammar structures. In the third period we have a different teacher where we do more speaking-- we usually talk about topics that the chapter reading was about, like men & women equality, our future goals, holiday celebrations, etc.

The Intensive Class is a little bit more difficult because the grammar book we use is all in Chinese with no translations! The vocabulary we cover in class is also a lot more difficult..we’ve been learning health words like: pain killer (止疼片), side effect (副作用), to fracture (骨折)..等等等 least if I ever need to be hospitalized in China (hopefully not) I’ll be able to communicate a little bit with the doctors! that’s all for now :)

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